
The slug filter transforms a given string into another string that only includes safe ASCII characters.

Here is an example:

{{ 'Wôrķšƥáçè ~~sèťtïñğš~~'|slug }}

The default separator between words is a dash (-), but you can define a selector of your choice by passing it as an argument:

{{ 'Wôrķšƥáçè ~~sèťtïñğš~~'|slug('/') }}

The slugger automatically detects the language of the original string, but you can also specify it explicitly using the second argument:

{{ '...'|slug('-', 'ko') }}

The slug filter uses the method by the same name in Symfony’s AsciiSlugger.


The slug filter is part of the StringExtension which is not installed by default. Install it first:

$ composer require twig/string-extra

Then, on Symfony projects, install the twig/extra-bundle:

$ composer require twig/extra-bundle

Otherwise, add the extension explicitly on the Twig environment:

use Twig\Extra\String\StringExtension;

$twig = new \Twig\Environment(...);
$twig->addExtension(new StringExtension());


  • separator: The separator that is used to join words (defaults to -)

  • locale: The locale of the original string (if none is specified, it will be automatically detected)