
The markdown_to_html filter converts a block of Markdown to HTML:

{% apply markdown_to_html %}

{% endapply %}

Note that you can indent the Markdown content as leading whitespaces will be removed consistently before conversion:

{% apply markdown_to_html %}

{% endapply %}

You can also use the filter on an included file or a variable:

{{ include('some_template.markdown.twig')|markdown_to_html }}

{{ changelog|markdown_to_html }}


The markdown_to_html filter is part of the MarkdownExtension which is not installed by default. Install it first:

$ composer require twig/markdown-extra

Then, on Symfony projects, install the twig/extra-bundle:

$ composer require twig/extra-bundle

Otherwise, add the extension explicitly on the Twig environment:

use Twig\Extra\Markdown\MarkdownExtension;

$twig = new \Twig\Environment(...);
$twig->addExtension(new MarkdownExtension());

If you are not using Symfony, you must also register the extension runtime:

use Twig\Extra\Markdown\DefaultMarkdown;
use Twig\Extra\Markdown\MarkdownRuntime;
use Twig\RuntimeLoader\RuntimeLoaderInterface;

$twig->addRuntimeLoader(new class implements RuntimeLoaderInterface {
    public function load($class) {
        if (MarkdownRuntime::class === $class) {
            return new MarkdownRuntime(new DefaultMarkdown());

Afterwards you need to install a markdown library of your choice. Some of them are mentioned in the require-dev section of the twig/markdown-extra package.